Pier 17

New York, NY

Project Overview:

New York City’s Pier 17 features a large 1.5-acre rooftop concert space that can hold up to 3,400 concert goers and boasts the Brooklyn Bridge as the stage’s backdrop. This unique concert experience presented unique acoustical challenges, namely providing crisp, clear, and robust sound quality for concert goers that would not disturb neighboring buildings.

Project Description:

TMG Systems was brought on to this development for the installation of the Eastern Acoustic Works (EAW) adaptive sound reinforcement system for Pier 17. The system consisted of 24 Anya loudspeakers hung left to right in single columns of 12 each approximately 35 feet above the rooftop and 24 Otto subwoofers arranged in pairs stacked on top of Low Dynamic Stiffness Rubber isolators to separate the subwoofers from the roof structure. Once the installation was complete, the system was tuned to limit sound outside the concert area while providing high quality audio within the concert space. Additionally, the system was designed to limit volume in two VIP areas to allow for concert goers to make and receive phone calls as needed.